Band Classes
Looking for a jam session? Look no further! Our multi-talented musician Dan hosts band classes throughout the week, performing songs of all different genres and even creating original music composed of many different instruments. Join for a collaborative experience available for all ages
(prior experience with your instrument is required)

My First Music Class
(Mommy and Me Classes)
Children infant through Pre-K will be excited to explore music with their parent or other guardian in a fun, enriching environment. This group uses multicultural songs to touch upon different musical concepts through parent-child play.
All of our teachers have prepared students for NYSSMA testing. We will help you prepare, do the paperwork and tackle the nervousness of performing in front of the NYSSMA judges.

A New Way To Learn

The Milestone Program
The Milestone Program introduces a game-like setting where students earn rewards for accomplishing musical milestones such as completing songs, learning scales or performing in recitals. We have seen amazing results with students becoming excited to practice at home and learn tough concepts.
This program was built alongside the parents of our students and our teachers who have decades of experience dealing with obstacles that are commonly run into when learning an instrument. Because of this we have made it easier than ever to track students homework, what they've accomplished and how to help them practice at home. We encourage all of our students to try it out free and see the results for themselves!